Articles Otitis media in severe asthma associated with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: a new therapeutic target for biologics Sophie Bartier MD, Emilie Béquignon MD PhD, Charlotte Thibaut de Ménonville MD, Benjamin Verillaud MD PhD, Diane Evrard MD, Maëlys Léger MD, Jean-François Papon MD PhD, André Coste MD PhD & Camille Taillé MD PhD Pages: 1-10 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2033262This is the author accepted version which has not been proofed or edited How do we manage asthma? Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice patterns among pulmonologists and allergists Fatma Esra Günaydın, Pınar Ay, Gül Karakaya & Dane Ediger Pages: 1-14 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2033261This is the author accepted version which has not been proofed or edited Association between Asthma and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) in Korean Adolescents Han Jak Ryu, Sujin Lee & Jae Ho Chung Pages: 1-17 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2032137This is the author accepted version which has not been proofed or edited Association between illness perception and clinical control, quality of life, physical activity, and psychosocial status in subjects with moderate to severe asthma: A cluster analysis Simone T Camargo Silva, Patrícia Duarte Freitas, Adriana Claudia Lunardi, Rafaella França Xavier, Renata Cleia C Barbosa, Rafael Stelmach & Celso R F Carvalho Pages: 1-13 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2032136This is the author accepted version which has not been proofed or edited Research Article Strategies commercially-insured families use to manage the cost of asthma care: a qualitative interview study Melissa B. Gilkey, phd, Lauren A. Cripps, ma, Kathryn M. Przywara bs, Mikaela I. Batista, ma & Alison A. Galbraith, md, mph Pages: 1-9 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2030749 |