October 2023
This new issue contains the following articles: Article Commentary Redefining biomarkers in pediatric asthma: a commentary Russell J. Hopp D.O. FAAP, FAAAAI, Mark C. Wilson M.D., FAAP, FCCP & M. Asghar Pasha M.D. FAAAAI Pages: 1793-1799 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2189947 Review Article A narrative review on asthma and pest sensitization (cockroach, mouse and rat allergens): a social issue besides the medical problem Gennaro Liccardi MD, Matteo Martini MD, Maria Beatrice Bilò MD, Manlio Milanese MD, Luigino Calzetta PhD, Rossella Laitano MD & Paola Rogliani MD Pages: 1800-1808 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2200844 Research Articles A hierarchical cluster analysis of the psycological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Italian severe asthma patients G. Guarnieri MD, DR, L. Chiurato DR, I. Baiardini DR, M. Caminati MD, DR, G. Senna MD, B. Scarpa PhD & A. Vianello MD Pages: 1809-1815 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2188565 The moderating role of housing quality on concentrated poverty and asthma-related emergency department visits among Hispanics/Latinos Emanuel Alcala PhD, John A. Capitman PhD & Ricardo Cisneros PhD Pages: 1816-1823 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2188567 Genetic analyses of chr11p15.5 region identify MUC5AC–MUC5B associated with asthma-related phenotypes Xingnan Li PhD, Huashi Li MS, Stephanie A. Christenson MD, Mario Castro MD, Loren C. Denlinger MD, Serpil C. Erzurum MD, John V. Fahy MD, Benjamin M. Gaston MD, Elliot Israel MD, Nizar N. Jarjour MD, Bruce D. Levy MD, David T Mauger PhD, Wendy C. Moore MD, Joe Zein MD, Naftali Kaminski MD, Sally E. Wenzel MD, Prescott G. Woodruff MD, Eugene R. Bleecker MD, Deborah A. Meyers PhD & for the NHLBI Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) Pages: 1824-1835 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2193631 Anxiety, depression and global distress among African American young adults with uncontrolled asthma Wanda Gibson-Scipio PhD, Veronica Dinaj PhD, Amy Hall MSN, Ashleigh Kormelink, Jean-Marie Bruzzese PhD & Karen Kolmodin MacDonell PhD Pages: 1836-1842 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2193632 Investigations of a combination of atopic status and age of asthma onset identify asthma subphenotypes Huashi Li MS, Mario Castro MD, Loren C. Denlinger MD, Serpil C. Erzurum MD, John V. Fahy MD, Benjamin Gaston MD, Elliot Israel MD, Nizar N. Jarjour MD, Bruce D. Levy MD, David T Mauger PhD, Wendy C. Moore MD, Sally E. Wenzel MD, Joe Zein MD, Eugene R. Bleecker MD, Deborah A. Meyers PhD, Yin Chen PhD, Xingnan Li PhD & for the NHLBI Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) Pages: 1843-1852 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2193634 The relationship between social support, self-efficacy, and asthma outcomes in older adults Naomi Greenfield MA, Jacqueline Becker PhD, Sunit Jariwala MD, Juan Wisnivesky MD, Alex Federman MD, MPH & Jonathan M. Feldman PhD Pages: 1853-1861 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196560 Evaluation of the clinical features and laboratory data of patients with severe asthma classified as super-responder or non super-responder to omalizumab treatment: a single-center real-life study Mehmet Erdem Cakmak M.D, Nida Öztop M.D., Osman Ozan Yeğit M.D. & Özlem Özdedeoğlu M.D. Pages: 1862-1868 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196562 Anti-IL-5/5Ra biologics improve work productivity and activity in severe asthma: a RAPSODI registry-based cohort study J. P. M. van der Valk MD, PhD, P. P. Hekking MD, PhD, S. P. Rauh PhD, K. W. Patberg MD, PhD, I. A. van Veen MD, PhD, A. Van Huisstede MD, PhD, F. W. J. M. Smeenk MD, PhD, M. J. T. van de Ven MD, PhD, M. E. A. C. Broeders MD, PhD, B. Hilvering MD, PhD, J. van Exsel MD, K. T. M. Oud MD, B. Langeveld MD, PhD, K. B. Fieten MSc, PhD, A. van Veen MD, S. Hashimoto MD, PhD, J. K. Sont PhD, A. ten Brinke MD, PhD, G. J. Braunstahl MD, PhD & on behalf of the RAPSODI Team Pages: 1869-1876 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196563 Predictors of adherence to controller medication in urban African American emerging adults with uncontrolled persistent asthma Karen Kolmodin MacDonell PhD, Jean-Marie Bruzzese PhD, Veronica Dinaj-Koci PhD, Wanda Gibson-Scipio PhD, APRN, BC, William Starbird MD, Amy Hall MSN, Rhonda Dailey MD, Angela J. Jacques-Tiura PhD & Bo Wang PhD Pages: 1877-1884 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196566 Comparison of the clinical outcomes of patients with NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease receiving aspirin or biologicals Gülseren Tuncay MD, Ebru Damadoglu MD, Melek Cihanbeylerden MD, Ozge Can Bostan MD, Hazal Kayıkcı MD, Serdar Özer MD, Gül Karakaya MD & Ali Fuat Kalyoncu MD Pages: 1885-1894 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196567 Male-biased association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase Asp298Glu substitution (NOS3-c.894G/T) with asthma risk and severity Younes Aftabi PhD, Amir Amiri-Sadeghan PhD, Neda Gilani PhD, Tahereh Zahedi PhD, Mohamad Taghi Khodayari PhD, Elnaz Faramarzi PhD, Ensiyeh Seyedrezazadeh PhD & Khalil Ansarin MD, FCCP Pages: 1895-1906 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2196689 Do improvements in clinical practice guidelines alter pregnancy outcomes in asthmatic women? A single-center retrospective cohort study J. L. Robinson BSc, K. L. Gatford PhD, C. P. Hurst PhD, V. L. Clifton PhD, J. L. Morrison PhD & M. J. Stark MBChB, PhD Pages: 1907-1917 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2200824 Assessing asthma self-management education among US children with current asthma, Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS) 2015–2017 Priyadarshini Pattath PhD, MPH, Cheryl R. Cornwell MPH, Kanta Sircar PhD, MPH & Xiaoting Qin PhD, MPH Pages: 1918-1925 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2200842 Case Report Outcomes of children with life-threatening status asthmaticus requiring isoflurane therapy and extracorporeal life support Sneha Kolli MD, Cydney Opolka BS, Adrianna Westbrook MPH, Scott Gillespie MS, MSPH, Carrie Mason RT, Brittany Truitt MD, Pradip Kamat MD, MBA, Anne Fitzpatrick PhD & Jocelyn R. Grunwell MD, PhD Pages: 1926-1934 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2191715 |