Interasma Global Asthma Association

All posts by interasm_wp

Prevalence and characteristics of asthma–COPD overlap syndrome identified by a stepwise approach

ORIGINAL RESEARCH  International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Volume 2017:12 Pages 1803—1810  DOI Hiromasa Inoue,1 Takahide Nagase,2 Satoshi Morita,3 Atsushi Yoshida,4 Tatsunori Jinnai,4 Masakazu Ichinose51Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima…

Advanced Role of Neutrophils in Common Respiratory Diseases

Journal of Immunology ResearchVolume 2017 (2017), Article ID 6710278, 21 pages Review Article Jinping Liu,1 Zhiqiang Pang,2 Guoqiang Wang,2 Xuewa Guan,2 KeyongFang,3 Ziyan Wang,2 and Fang Wang2 1Institute of Frontier Medical Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China2Department of Pathogen Biology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Jilin…

Associations between serum 25(OH)D concentrations and prevalent asthma among children living in communities with differing levels of urbanization: a cross-sectional study

Asthma Research and Practice RESEARCH – OPEN ACCESS Suzanne L. Pollard, John J. Lima, Karina Romero, Carla Tarazona-Meza, Edward Mougey, Katherine Tomaino, Gary Malpartida-Guzmán, Nadia N. Hansel, William Checkley and GASP Study Investigators Asthma Research and Practice 2017 3:5 DOI: 10.1186/s40733-017-0033-2 Abstract Background Prior evidence suggests that…