e-Monitoring of Asthma Therapy to Improve Compliance in children (e-MATIC): a randomised controlled trial
Erwin C. Vasbinder, Lucas M.A. Goossens, Maureen P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken, Brenda C.M. de Winter, Liset van Dijk, Arnold G. Vulto, Ellen I.M. Blankman, Nordin Dahhan,Monique T.M. Veenstra-van Schie, Florens G.A. Versteegh, Bart H.M. Wolf, Hettie M. Janssens, Patricia M.L.A. van den Bemt DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01698-2015 Published 26 May 2016 Abstract Real-time medication monitoring (RTMM) is a promising tool…