Interasma Global Asthma Association

All posts by interasm_wp

Periostin levels and eosinophilic inflammation in poorly-controlled asthma

RESEARCH ARTICLE – OPEN ACCESS – OPEN PEER REVIEW Jodie L. Simpson Emailauthor, Ian A. Yang, John W. Upham, Paul N. Reynolds, Sandra Hodge, Alan L. James, Christine Jenkins, Matthew J. Peters, Guiquan Jia, Cecile T. J. Holweg and Peter G. Gibson BMC Pulmonary MedicineBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted 2016 16:67 DOI: 10.1186/s12890-016-0230-4 Open Peer Review reports Abstract Background Periostin levels are associated with…

Expression of toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in subjects with asthma by total serum IgE level

RESEARCH – OPEN ACCESS Astrid Crespo-Lessmann, Eder Mateus,, Silvia Vidal, David Ramos Barbón, Montserrat Torrejón, Jordi Giner, Lorena Soto, Cándido Juárez and Vicente Plaza Respiratory Research201617:41 DOI: 10.1186/s12931-016-0355-2 Abstract Background Emerging data suggest that innate immunity may play a role in asthma, particularly the toll-like receptors (TLRs). Some studies…