Articles How Does the Canadian Acute Respiratory Illness and Flu Scale Relate to Other Scales in Pediatric Asthma Exacerbations? Laurel Teoh FRACP, Mark D Chatfield MA, MSc, Jason P Acworth FRACP, Gabrielle B McCallum BN, PhD & Anne B Chang FRACP, PhD Pages: 1-10 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1946823 Research Article The impact of asthma on in-hospital outcomes of COVID-19 patients Jeffrey F. Mather ms, Wassim Mosleh md & Raymond G. McKay md Pages: 1-7 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1944187 Patient characteristics associated with retention in an asthma self-management trial for older adults Dustin Kee ba, Rachel O’Conor phd, mph, Juan P. Wisnivesky md, drph, Michael S. Wolf phd, mph & Alex D. Federman md, mph Pages: 1-9 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1941090 Belief and adherence to COVID 19-lockdown restrictions in patients with asthma versus other chronic diseases: results from a cross-sectional survey nested in the ComPaRe e-cohort, in France Camille Taillé md, phd, Nicolas Roche md, phd, Florian Tesson msc, Coralie Tardivon msc, Viet-Thi Tran md & Camille Couffignal pharmd Pages: 1-10 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1941091 The role of impulse oscillometry in the management of asthma when forced expiratory maneuvers are contraindicated: case series and literature review Louise H. Jordon mrcp, mbchb, bmedsci, Robin B. Gore phd, frcp, Rosemary A. Rusk bsc, md, frcp, Ben Knox-Brown bsc & Stefan J. Marciniak phd, frcp Pages: 1-7 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1941088 Platycodin D attenuates airway inflammation via suppression Th2 transcription factor in a murine model of acute asthma Eung Gu Lee md, Kyung Hoon Kim md, Jung Hur phd, Ji Young Kang md, phd, Hwa Young Lee md, phd & Sook Young Lee md, phd Pages: 1-11 | DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1941084 |
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